Devos of the Week: John 17:12-19

“I am not asking that you take them out of the world, but I ask that you protect them from the evil one.”  Jesus prays that his followers will be protected in the world. Do the ministries of the church and we as Christians sometimes favor pulling us away from the world?  Are we called to protect ourselves and our family, or is that God’s job?  Where do I see myself pulling away from the world?  What does Jesus’ prayer call me to today?  –  Lord Jesus, who prayed for your followers, help us to trust you as we live for you in this world amongst people who need to trust in you.  Amen

Devos of the Week: John 17:1-19

“I am not asking that you take them out of the world, but I ask that you protect them from the evil one.”  Jesus prays that his followers will be protected in the world. Do the ministries of the church and Christian sometimes favor pulling us away from the world?  Are we called to protect ourselves and our family, or is that God’s job?  Where do I see myself pulling away from the world?  What does Jesus’ prayer call me to today?  –  Lord Jesus, who prayed for all who trust in you, help us to trust you as we live for you in this world amongst people who need to trust in you.  Amen

Devo of the Week: Psalm 5:11

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy.” The word, “refuge,” is defined as “a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.” The Psalmist say, God will be that for his people.  What pursuers, dangers, or troubles are you facing in your life right now?  What would it take to change your troubles into joy?  What would it take to get you to sing? What would you sing?  Cause me to rejoice and sing O Lord, as you provide safety and shelter in my life. Amen.

Leadership Devo of the Week: Proverbs 25:28

“Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.” Protection from the intruding enemies was the purpose of city walls. Broken walls meant easy target.  In what ways are people without self-control easy targets? What enemy or enemies might be ready to intrude in the life of the one without self-control?  What level of self-control do you show in your work, family and personal life? Lord Jesus, help me to build “self-control” walls around my life that I might find protection from the evil one and all temptations to live outside of your ways.

Leadership Devos of the Week – Proverbs 4:23

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” We live with noise, busyness, abundance, greed and X-rated screens all around us. Temptations both overt and subtle call. Guarding our heart may well be a war zone in which we need both a strong offense and defense.  How is your heart? What are you doing to “guard your heart?” “Is the flow of your life good?” – Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen

Leadership Devos of the Week – John 17:15

“I am not asking that you take them out of the world, but I ask that you protect them from the evil one.”  Jesus prays that his followers will be protected in the world. Do the ministries of the church and Christian sometimes favor pulling us away from the world?  Are we called to protect ourselves and our family, or is that God’s job?  Where do I see myself pulling away from the world?  What does Jesus’ prayer call me to today?  – Lord Jesus, who prayed for all who trust in you, help us to trust you as we live for you in this world amongst people who need to trust in you.  Amen